Tak C. Poon,
Dr. Poon is the President of Metacardio, Inc. (2018-present) and is the founder of CardioMetabolic Lifestyle Coaching Programs which has been used in clinical practice from 1994-2017. He has been a licensed medical doctor since 1977 and a Licensed Interventional and Preventive Cardiologist since 1982. He is also an active member of American College of Cardiology.
Leah Groppo, R.D.
Registered Dietitian, Voiceover
Leah Groppo is a registered dietitian and a certified diabetes educator. She has a Masters in Nutrition. She works in an endocrinology clinic where she works to counsel patients on diabetes self-management. She is focused on making culturally sensitive recommendations and holds a certification in adult weight management and is a certified diabetes educator. She believes that diet makes a strong impact on health.
David C. Klonoff,
Dr. Klonoff is an endocrinologist specializing in the development and use of diabetes technology. He is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at UCSF and Medical Director of the Dorothy L. and James E. Frank Diabetes Research Institute of Mills-Peninsula Medical Center in San Mateo. Dr. Klonoff received the American Diabetes Association’s 2019 Outstanding Physician Clinician Award. He received an FDA Director’s Special Citation Award in 2010 for outstanding contributions related to diabetes technology. Dr. Klonoff coined the term “diabetes technology”. He founded the Digital Diabetes Congress and is senior editor of what will be the first book ever about digital health for diabetes, and which will be published by Elsevier in 2020. Dr. Klonoff is a graduate of UC Berkeley, where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa in his junior year, and UCSF Medical School, where he was elected to Alpha Omega Alpha in his junior year.
Chris Hunter
Based in Central Ohio, Chris Hunter works as a graphic designer/voice-over artist. He has developed a career as a freelance professional working with clients from around the globe and is dedicated to helping others achieve their dreams. He is the voice of Aom and several other characters for MetaCardio and can testify to the positive influence the app has had on him alone.
Meredith Hisman
She is a freelance artist based in San Francisco, CA. Specializing in traditional animation; she uses skills obtained through years of schooling and countless projects, in a venture to exceed her client’s expectations. She enthusiastically animates for the MetaCardio app, working along side a panel of very talented individuals, to impart its life changing content in a clear and creative way.
Shaneé Hunter
Video Production
Based in Central Ohio, Shanee Hunter works as a multimedia professional. She partners with great clients and produces captivating content ranging from musical composition, video and audio editing, animation, graphic and web design. She delights in her work with MetaCardio, Inc. and wishes the very best for their users looking for a sustainable and fulfilling lifestyle change.
Sherrie Jackson
Sherrie Jackson is an actress and award-winning voice over artist based out of Los Angeles, CA. Throughout her career she has lent her voice talents to numerous animated shows, video games, radio/tv commercials, e-learning courses and apps. Sherrie is the voice of MOA along with several other characters for Meta Cardio, Inc. She has thoroughly enjoyed working with such a talented and inspiring group of people who are dedicated to helping others through mind/body wellness.