Week 4 Healing Habits 2-Minute Checklist
Gang Up on GOLIATH, The Food Industrial Complex
Week 4 Day 1
Gang up on Goliath
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Demand the Food Industry work for you since you’re paying them.
INCREASES in all these averages in the last 50 years:
20-30% calorie production per person by food industry
20-30% calorie intake per person
20-30% weight gain per person
Fat chance all that is by chance!
They supply because we demand. They’ve mind-engineered us to demand junk. Re-engineer yourself and demand something better. They want to sell, so they will supply.
You deserve a few moments to:
Re-sync / Re-set / Re-start / Refresh / Reprieve.
Reach your step count goal by the end of this week, already a month from the beginning. Sedentary people do 5,000 steps a day. Surely you can do better. A healthy target is 10,000.
Sedentary Sickness Stopper:
(Sadly, Sitting and Sitting is Sickly as Smoking)
Stop Sitting Still. Stand-Stretch-Smile. Smarter Still, Stroll.
Set to do this for Several minutes every Second hour or So:
Stand against bitterness.
Stretch so you don’t turn sour.
Smile and make everything sweet.
By the end of this week, a month from the beginning, water down your sugary drinks after whittling down 1/8 off each cup, and shave off your food portions by saving 1/8 off each plate.
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Stick your head up in the clouds once in a while.
A lighter perspective from the sky may enlighten
some of the weighty stress in your life on Earth.Metacardio©
“[People] must rise above the earth – to the atmosphere and beyond –
for only thus will [they] fully understand the world in which [they live].”Socrates
Podcast – (SKY) Heavenly bodies, bodily heavens
Textcast –
Cosmology is our ultimate Genealogy that governs much of human biology—and maybe cosmetology, too.
The moon cycle dictates our crop cycles, tide cycles, menstrual cycles, and maybe mood cycles. The solar cycle clocks the Circadian Rhythm of our body functions and the timing of many hormonal patterns.
Occasional jetlag can ruin your day. Habitually sleeping less than 7 hours a day can ruin your health—with obesity, dementia, and aging.
Obesity has been the #1 preventable killer since 2021, overtaking cigarettes and costing more. In 2023, almost half of the U.S. population is obese, a medical term for weighing over 20% of what you should for your height.
Another Ex-excuse:
“I like my food too much.”
Then don’t give it all up.
Instead, enhance part of it with something else you and your body like even better.
See you tomorrow.
Footnote for The Newcomer:
Healing Habits for a Happy, Healthy, Hasslefree Lifestyle for Life are success stories collected from some 2000 of my patients and coworkers in a non-profit private clinic after-hour coaching program over 25 years. This series of posts are Metacardio Methods’ daily checklists in that 3-month program.
Pick and choose which of the items are useful for you to follow. The nutritional suggestions are as applicable to weight loss as transitioning to a healthier eating habit.
Where relevant, all suggestions have been updated to current national health guidelines and state-of-the-art expert consensus. Wisdom from sages over the ages remains perennial.
The basis for these suggestions is discussed in long-hand on 15 prior posts here. All are archived under “Healing Habits Blog”.
Metacardio© 2024
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Week 4 Day 2
Same Calories But Different
. Image generated by AI. (None of the text is.)
Food Industry’s semi-automatic post-sugar-surge assault weapon:
A “quick-energy” sugar rush makes you feel hungrier soon after. Repeated assaults can exhaust your Insulin production.
After-effects of shooting yourself repeatedly with sugar spikes include uncontrollable overeating, energy slump, belly fat, and Type 2 Diabetes.
Excess Cortisol induced by chronic stress can also cause sugar Diabetes. Stress resilience and meditation lower Cortisol level.
It’s high time to get all the sugar-high snacks out of your home and workplace. Get an out-of-body experience by getting junk out-of-sight and out-of-mind.
Composting them also puts carbon (CO2 and methane) out of the air and into the ground—a cool thing to do for our climate.
Sedentary Sickness Stopper:
(Sadly, Sitting and Sitting is Sickly as Smoking)
Stop Sitting Still. Stand-Stretch-Smile. Smarter Still, Stroll.
Set to do this for Several minutes every Second hour or So:
Stand 'cos you have to.
Stretch 'cos you want to.
Smile ‘cos you like to.
Cutting out ¼ of a cookie (~100 calories) spares you a mile to walk it off.
Pouring out and watering down ¼ of a can of sweet soda spares you half a mile.
Be too busy all the time,
and you’ll have no time to be.
Podcast – (SKY). Time’s up. Up where?
Textcast –
You and the Universe go back almost 15 billion years. So, why get uptight over a few short moments? Yet, right after the Big Bang, had its timing been off by 10-43 second, nothing would be here. Thus, as in daily life, timing is everything, both fast and slow.
You must know if timing matters in the matters at hand. It may take time, at least a moment’s pause, to determine that. Then, you can be more timely and at ease more of the time. Otherwise, you’ll suffer from hurry-sorry-worry sickness all the time.
Hurry-Sorry-Worry Sickness:
Agonizing all the time to not run out of time,
only to find that your time is up—and not up to you.
Another Ex-excuse:
“I’m too busy.”
Then un-busy yourself and deal with only what’s worthy of you.
Some things are important, but not all things, and not all-important, all the time.
See you tomorrow.
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Week 4 Day 3
Food Industrial Complex and You
Image curated with subscription from iStock.
The Sweet Spot to Super Size You:
Junk food packs the skillfully engineered “sugar-salt 1-2 sucker-punch”. Slicker still snacks are greased with globs of fat. Difficult to duck. Easier to erase.
Before yielding to the grip of a sugar snack or the urge to splurge, close your eyes and do several easy breath cycles. Your mind will better guide you on what’s best to do next for your body.
Re-package your economy/family/warehouse-size food items into smaller size bags—palm size, not palm-leaf size. They’ll stay fresher and longer. Get super-savings without getting super-sized.
Sedentary Sickness Stopper:
(Sadly, Sitting and Sitting is Sickly as Smoking)
Stop Sitting Still. Stand-Stretch-Smile. Smarter Still, Stroll.
Set to do this for Several minutes every Second hour or So:
Stand, and be focused.
Stretch, but don’t get fickle.
Smile, then all will turn flexible.
A smart snack with fiber and texture (even with the same calories as a junky one) can taste good, last longer in your mouth, and provide more sustained energy, yet produces no hunger rebound soon after and no health hazards later.
Not all calories are created equal.
“For people, boundaries are everywhere and center nowhere.
In the heavens, centers are everywhere and boundary nowhere.”Many scientists and sages
Podcast – (SKY) - Self-center? Right on!
Textcast –
Yes, you are the center of the universe, as is everyone else. That’s what the 3D geometry of the expanding cosmos shows. Each point in it is right at its center. Also, in both geometries, there are no edges—or boundaries. It’s just like any dot on the 2D surface of a round ball is at the center. Oh yeah, that places you right in the center on Earth, just like everyone else.
Yes, you’re unique, just like everyone else. Numerically, each one of us is like a grain of sand on a beach on Earth, the same for Earth in our galaxy, and the same for our galaxy in the universe—all just one among countless billions. Yet, no other person on earth is exactly like you; and you won’t find other humans exactly like us out in the vast cosmos.
Since you are unique and the center of the universe, shouldn’t you make taking good care of yourself a central issue? And being at the center of this boundless space-and-time scale, is it worth agonizing over small, fleeting stuff? Aren’t they all but small, fleeting stuff, anyways?
Another Ex-excuse:
“Half of the population! Obesity is too big of a problem to control.”
Luckily, your problem with your body is one only for one person to solve,
the one under your control—you.
See you tomorrow.
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Week 4 Day 4
Portion Control from Market to Mouth
. Image generated by Gemini A.I. (None of the text is)
Smart Shopper. Skillful Sorter. Super Saver.
Buy bulky household items first / Stay on store perimeters / Beware of center aisles, eye-level shelves, aisle-end displays, entrance and checkout counter items.
Mini-cloning Method: Re-package big bags of food into small packs at home.
Survival of the fittest in the jungle out there!
Once under your belt, you can call up this time-honored, instant vent, at will, whenever you need it the most.
On your walk or workout, plot the next food shopping plan.
Sedentary Sickness Stopper:
(Sadly, Sitting and Sitting is Sickly as Smoking)
Stop Sitting Still. Stand-Stretch-Smile. Smarter Still, Stroll.
Set to do this for Several minutes every Second hour or So:
Stand, and arise from your slumber.
Stretch, or you may get plumper.
Smile, stressing out makes you dumber.
To trim a big chunk off your body over time, trim a small portion off your plate every time—an 8th this month, a 4th next.
“That which is below is like that which is above…”
Emerald Tablet as translated by Isaac Newton
Podcast – (SKY) Empty space packed with kin only
Textcast –
All that seemingly wasted space in the sky is, in fact, rather crowded and needed. High-tech equipment has detected in all “empty” spaces countless tiny entities of every variety potentially popping in and out of energy fields. All are intricately and inseparably linked to all others all across the cosmos. It takes everything for anything to exist. All of existence is by relationships only—that’s physics, not poetry.
There is no exception in this all-inclusive universal network. All of existence is like an embroidery of jewels wholly interlaced together as one singular masterpiece from the beginning of time. No one can ever break away. So, why not help one another shine differently so we all sparkle together beautifully?
Another Ex-excuse:
“I want to fit in with my people; they aren’t that healthy or happy.”
Get fit gradually, then you’ll fit in—your clothes, your life, and your world.
And maybe more people will try to fit in with you.
See you tomorrow.
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Week 4 Day 5
Planning Out Before Eating Out
Image generated by Gemini A.I. (None of the text is.)
Best Food Forward:
Look at the menu online before going to a restaurant.
Start out on the right food, e.g., olives, nuts, and lemon water. Bread and alcohol make yours a handicapped entrance.
Appetizers can make appetizing and better entrées.
Bag excess portions to go before starting to eat.
Share and save with other people, eat family style.
Buffets can add up to bad math and worse aftermath.
To breathe or not to breathe—there is no question.
On your walk, think of ways you can best utilize the small portions of food you trim off at each meal. Saving up 1/8 per meal saves you one meal per week.
Sedentary Sickness Stopper:
(Sadly, Sitting and Sitting is Sickly as Smoking)
Stop Sitting Still. Stand-Stretch-Smile. Smarter Still, Stroll.
Set to do this for Several minutes every Second hour or So:
Stand. You’ll look taller.
Stretch. You’ll look freer.
Smile. You’ll look nicer.
Watering down soda by ¼ is lopping off 4 lumps of sugar.
Shake off a quarter of your milkshakes from now on, and shake your hind quarter better in the next quarter.
“Be noble for you are made of stars.
Be humble for you are made of dirt.”Zen saying
In genealogy, you’ve been chosen to come from stardust.
In your lifetime, you get to choose to go starry or dusty.Metacardio©
Podcast – (SKY) – Star Dust to Dirt
Textcast –
Even if some people treat you like dirt, you are still a star from the sky. All the atoms in you can be traced back to starbursts since the Big Bang. It’s just a mundane scientific fact. But you don’t have to be mundane or scientific. With the right body-mind-spirit, you can make a big bang of your life if you wish. That’s a fact.
Lifeforms have been evolving since chemistry became biology 3 billion years ago. Humans arrived some 2 million years ago—the very last minute had the 14-billion-year-old cosmic clock begun 24-hour ago. You are a late-comer, but it’s not too late to arrive—only 2 more months of this program to become what you want to be.
Another Ex-excuse:
“It’s too late for me.”
To be healthy, happy, and hassle-free? Ha-ha-ha. Hilarious! You’re funny—good thing looks aren’t everything.
See you tomorrow.
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Week 4 Day 6
What You Resist Persists
Image generated by AI. (None of the text is.)
Don’t fight It. Learn from Tai-Chi and the Power of Reboot.
Be a stiff and snap, or be like a willow and sway away.
It's easier to control your craving for food by not facing your food. Out-of-sight, out-of-mind. It’s a better out-of-body experience.
Simply sample and say that’s ample. "I assist before I desist, so what I resist won’t go on to insist and persist."
Breathe before you binge — 2nd thought over 1st impulse. Take a few breath cycles before asking again, “Do I still want that? If yes, how much?” Once reset, you’ll know better.
On your walk, think of all your vulnerabilities where “resistance is futile”. Come up with clever ways to avoid or sidestep them. If that’s not possible, pre-set limits on how much you would yield, rather than unconditionally giving in every time.
Sedentary Sickness Stopper:
(Sadly, Sitting and Sitting is Sickly as Smoking)
Stop Sitting Still. Stand-Stretch-Smile. Smarter Still, Stroll.
Set to do this for Several minutes every Second hour or So:
Stand. Don’t remain fixated.
Stretch. Let others stay frozen.
Smile. And they’ll give up being frigid.
Do onion rings bring water to your mouth, and eyes?
Don't get reined in; toss some rings out. Who’s ringmaster?
The sky’s no limit.
Heaven shouldn’t wait.Metacardio©
“Why don’t we go for heaven on earth,
just for the hell of it?”Steve Bhaerman
Podcast – (SKY) Heaven or Hell on Earth – Dealer's Choice
Textcast –
By strengthening your stress resilience and body-mind-spirit, you’ll receive more heavenly breezes blowing your way. The world is already hellish enough for all; you don’t need to add more suffering to your life with sad lifestyle choices.
Your health and happiness is a dealer’s choice where you are the dealer, and you make the deal you choose. Tastes of heaven can be here-and-now. There-and-then is no guarantee, but why predispose it to hurt like hell? Make every step you take sensible and joyful.
Another Ex-excuse
“Let me indulge now. I’ll pay for it later.”
Why not indulge without guilt, take all the good while doing it, get even more perks later, and never have to pay for it later? It’s just a matter of smart choices. (See previous M.A.T.R. method and S.M.A.R.T. strategy.) Or, pre-pay with a calorie-saving credit so you don’t have to pay later with interest.
See you tomorrow.
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Week 4 Day 7
Your Worst Enemy?
Photo curated with subscription from iStock.
Bullet-Proof Yourself
Obesity has overtaken cigarettes as the #1 preventable killer. We outsmarted the tobacco industry and have cut smoking in half. We can outdo the Food Industrial Complex (that FICx) and cut our over-consumption by a quarter.
An ancient military must-read says, “Know yourself and know your enemies. Only then can you win all your battles.” If you are your own worst enemy, you already have the advantages of home turf and insider intel to start winning.
Quiet breathing silences your own worst enemy.
If you’re cursing at the efforts needed to make the step counts on your pedometer this week, be thankful that you have cut 1/8 of your food portions. That has spared you 4-5 miles of extra walking to balance your calorie budget. Smart!
Sedentary Sickness Stopper:
(Sadly, Sitting and Sitting is Sickly as Smoking)
Stop Sitting Still. Stand-Stretch-Smile. Smarter Still, Stroll.
Set to do this for Several minutes every Second hour or So:
Stand and teach what you know.
Stretch and learn what you can.
Smile and share what you love.
Will eating the whole hotdog make you look hot or…not?
You’ve trimmed your portions by 1/8; start trimming by 1/4 next week.
“As in the microcosm, so is the macrocosm.
As in the atom, so is the universe.
As in the human mind, so is the cosmic mind.”Upanishad
Podcast – SKY) Wisdom by “Cosmosis”
Textcast –
To solve your problems, you are your best mastermind—when it’s open and calm. Breathing practice or meditation, exercise, rest, nutrition, Nature, etc., brighten it, like a clear sky. Worry-sorry-hurry, head-in-the-sand, food binging, substance use, etc., loom over it, like a storm.
This week, you’ve looked up in the sky for a wider perspective, and looked down into your body-mind-spirit for a deeper introspective. Now, get the two in sync, irrespective. Like the sky, Universal Wisdom is there for you to tap into, at all times, from within, for free.
When you slow down, everything else speeds up, so you don't have to.
Another Ex-excuse:
“This program is taking too long.”
Because it can last your whole life long. Remember, you are getting benefits from it every step of the way, not only at the end.
See you next week.
Metacardio© 2024